gh run view

gh run view [<run-id>] [flags]

View a summary of a workflow run.

This command does not support authenticating via fine grained PATs as it is not currently possible to create a PAT with the checks:read permission.


-a, --attempt <uint> (default 0)
The attempt number of the workflow run
Exit with non-zero status if run failed
-j, --job <string>
View a specific job ID from a run
-q, --jq <expression>
Filter JSON output using a jq expression
--json <fields>
Output JSON with the specified fields
View full log for either a run or specific job
View the log for any failed steps in a run or specific job
-t, --template <string>
Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-v, --verbose
Show job steps
-w, --web
Open run in the browser

Options inherited from parent commands

-R, --repo <[HOST/]OWNER/REPO>
Select another repository using the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format

JSON Fields

attempt, conclusion, createdAt, databaseId, displayTitle, event, headBranch, headSha, jobs, name, number, startedAt, status, updatedAt, url, workflowDatabaseId, workflowName


# Interactively select a run to view, optionally selecting a single job
$ gh run view

# View a specific run
$ gh run view 12345

# View a specific run with specific attempt number
$ gh run view 12345 --attempt 3

# View a specific job within a run
$ gh run view --job 456789

# View the full log for a specific job
$ gh run view --log --job 456789

# Exit non-zero if a run failed
$ gh run view 0451 --exit-status && echo "run pending or passed"

See also