gh reference

gh reference

gh alias <command>

Create command shortcuts

gh alias delete {<alias> &#124; --all} [flags]

Delete set aliases

--all   Delete all aliases

gh alias import [<filename> &#124; -] [flags]

Import aliases from a YAML file

--clobber   Overwrite existing aliases of the same name

gh alias list

List your aliases


gh alias ls

gh alias set <alias> <expansion> [flags]

Create a shortcut for a gh command

    --clobber   Overwrite existing aliases of the same name
-s, --shell     Declare an alias to be passed through a shell interpreter

gh api <endpoint> [flags]

Make an authenticated GitHub API request

    --cache duration        Cache the response, e.g. "3600s", "60m", "1h"
-F, --field key=value       Add a typed parameter in key=value format
-H, --header key:value      Add a HTTP request header in key:value format
    --hostname string       The GitHub hostname for the request (default "")
-i, --include               Include HTTP response status line and headers in the output
    --input file            The file to use as body for the HTTP request (use "-" to read from standard input)
-q, --jq string             Query to select values from the response using jq syntax
-X, --method string         The HTTP method for the request (default "GET")
    --paginate              Make additional HTTP requests to fetch all pages of results
-p, --preview names         GitHub API preview names to request (without the "-preview" suffix)
-f, --raw-field key=value   Add a string parameter in key=value format
    --silent                Do not print the response body
    --slurp                 Use with "--paginate" to return an array of all pages of either JSON arrays or objects
-t, --template string       Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --verbose               Include full HTTP request and response in the output

gh attestation [subcommand]

Work with artifact attestations


gh at

gh attestation download [<file-path> &#124; oci://<image-uri>] [--owner &#124; --repo] [flags]

Download an artifact's attestations for offline use

-d, --digest-alg string       The algorithm used to compute a digest of the artifact: {sha256&#124;sha512} (default "sha256")
    --hostname string         Configure host to use
-L, --limit int               Maximum number of attestations to fetch (default 30)
-o, --owner string            GitHub organization to scope attestation lookup by
    --predicate-type string   Filter attestations by provided predicate type
-R, --repo string             Repository name in the format <owner>/<repo>

gh attestation trusted-root [--tuf-url <url> --tuf-root <file-path>] [--verify-only] [flags]

Output trusted_root.jsonl contents, likely for offline verification

--hostname string   Configure host to use
--tuf-root string   Path to the TUF root.json file on disk
--tuf-url string    URL to the TUF repository mirror
--verify-only       Don't output trusted_root.jsonl contents

gh attestation verify [<file-path> &#124; oci://<image-uri>] [--owner &#124; --repo] [flags]

Verify an artifact's integrity using attestations

-b, --bundle string                Path to bundle on disk, either a single bundle in a JSON file or a JSON lines file with multiple bundles
    --bundle-from-oci              When verifying an OCI image, fetch the attestation bundle from the OCI registry instead of from GitHub
    --cert-identity string         Enforce that the certificate's subject alternative name matches the provided value exactly
-i, --cert-identity-regex string   Enforce that the certificate's subject alternative name matches the provided regex
    --cert-oidc-issuer string      Issuer of the OIDC token (default "")
    --custom-trusted-root string   Path to a trusted_root.jsonl file; likely for offline verification
    --deny-self-hosted-runners     Fail verification for attestations generated on self-hosted runners
-d, --digest-alg string            The algorithm used to compute a digest of the artifact: {sha256&#124;sha512} (default "sha256")
    --format string                Output format: {json}
    --hostname string              Configure host to use
-q, --jq expression                Filter JSON output using a jq expression
-L, --limit int                    Maximum number of attestations to fetch (default 30)
    --no-public-good               Do not verify attestations signed with Sigstore public good instance
-o, --owner string                 GitHub organization to scope attestation lookup by
    --predicate-type string        Filter attestations by provided predicate type (default "")
-R, --repo string                  Repository name in the format <owner>/<repo>
    --signer-digest string         Digest associated with the signer workflow
    --signer-repo string           Repository of reusable workflow that signed attestation in the format <owner>/<repo>
    --signer-workflow string       Workflow that signed attestation in the format [host/]<owner>/<repo>/<path>/<to>/<workflow>
    --source-digest string         Digest associated with the source workflow
    --source-ref string            Ref associated with the source workflow
-t, --template string              Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

gh auth <command>

Authenticate gh and git with GitHub

gh auth login [flags]

Log in to a GitHub account

-p, --git-protocol string   The protocol to use for git operations on this host: {ssh&#124;https}
-h, --hostname string       The hostname of the GitHub instance to authenticate with
    --insecure-storage      Save authentication credentials in plain text instead of credential store
-s, --scopes strings        Additional authentication scopes to request
    --skip-ssh-key          Skip generate/upload SSH key prompt
-w, --web                   Open a browser to authenticate
    --with-token            Read token from standard input

gh auth logout [flags]

Log out of a GitHub account

-h, --hostname string   The hostname of the GitHub instance to log out of
-u, --user string       The account to log out of

gh auth refresh [flags]

Refresh stored authentication credentials

-h, --hostname string         The GitHub host to use for authentication
    --insecure-storage        Save authentication credentials in plain text instead of credential store
-r, --remove-scopes strings   Authentication scopes to remove from gh
    --reset-scopes            Reset authentication scopes to the default minimum set of scopes
-s, --scopes strings          Additional authentication scopes for gh to have

gh auth setup-git [flags]

Setup git with GitHub CLI

-f, --force --hostname   Force setup even if the host is not known. Must be used in conjunction with --hostname
-h, --hostname string    The hostname to configure git for

gh auth status [flags]

Display active account and authentication state on each known GitHub host

-a, --active            Display the active account only
-h, --hostname string   Check only a specific hostname's auth status
-t, --show-token        Display the auth token

gh auth switch [flags]

Switch active GitHub account

-h, --hostname string   The hostname of the GitHub instance to switch account for
-u, --user string       The account to switch to

gh auth token [flags]

Print the authentication token gh uses for a hostname and account

-h, --hostname string   The hostname of the GitHub instance authenticated with
-u, --user string       The account to output the token for

gh browse [<number> &#124; <path> &#124; <commit-sha>] [flags]

Open repositories, issues, pull requests, and more in the browser

-b, --branch string            Select another branch by passing in the branch name
-c, --commit string[="last"]   Select another commit by passing in the commit SHA, default is the last commit
-n, --no-browser               Print destination URL instead of opening the browser
-p, --projects                 Open repository projects
-r, --releases                 Open repository releases
-s, --settings                 Open repository settings
-w, --wiki                     Open repository wiki

gh cache <command>

Manage GitHub Actions caches

gh cache delete [<cache-id> &#124; <cache-key> &#124; --all] [flags]

Delete GitHub Actions caches

-a, --all                          Delete all caches
    --succeed-on-no-caches --all   Return exit code 0 if no caches found. Must be used in conjunction with --all

gh cache list [flags]

List GitHub Actions caches

-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-k, --key string        Filter by cache key prefix
-L, --limit int         Maximum number of caches to fetch (default 30)
-O, --order string      Order of caches returned: {asc&#124;desc} (default "desc")
-r, --ref string        Filter by ref, formatted as refs/heads/<branch name> or refs/pull/<number>/merge
-S, --sort string       Sort fetched caches: {created_at&#124;last_accessed_at&#124;size_in_bytes} (default "last_accessed_at")
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"


gh cache ls

gh codespace

Connect to and manage codespaces


gh cs

gh codespace code [flags]

Open a codespace in Visual Studio Code

-c, --codespace string    Name of the codespace
    --insiders            Use the insiders version of Visual Studio Code
-R, --repo string         Filter codespace selection by repository name (user/repo)
    --repo-owner string   Filter codespace selection by repository owner (username or org)
-w, --web                 Use the web version of Visual Studio Code

gh codespace cp [-e] [-r] [-- [<scp flags>...]] <sources>... <dest>

Copy files between local and remote file systems

-c, --codespace string    Name of the codespace
-e, --expand              Expand remote file names on remote shell
-p, --profile string      Name of the SSH profile to use
-r, --recursive           Recursively copy directories
-R, --repo string         Filter codespace selection by repository name (user/repo)
    --repo-owner string   Filter codespace selection by repository owner (username or org)

gh codespace create [flags]

Create a codespace

-b, --branch string               Repository branch
    --default-permissions         Do not prompt to accept additional permissions requested by the codespace
    --devcontainer-path string    Path to the devcontainer.json file to use when creating codespace
-d, --display-name string         Display name for the codespace (48 characters or less)
    --idle-timeout duration       Allowed inactivity before codespace is stopped, e.g. "10m", "1h"
-l, --location string             Location: {EastUs&#124;SouthEastAsia&#124;WestEurope&#124;WestUs2} (determined automatically if not provided)
-m, --machine string              Hardware specifications for the VM
-R, --repo string                 Repository name with owner: user/repo
    --retention-period duration   Allowed time after shutting down before the codespace is automatically deleted (maximum 30 days), e.g. "1h", "72h"
-s, --status                      Show status of post-create command and dotfiles
-w, --web                         Create codespace from browser, cannot be used with --display-name, --idle-timeout, or --retention-period

gh codespace delete [flags]

Delete codespaces

    --all                 Delete all codespaces
-c, --codespace string    Name of the codespace
    --days N              Delete codespaces older than N days
-f, --force               Skip confirmation for codespaces that contain unsaved changes
-o, --org login           The login handle of the organization (admin-only)
-R, --repo string         Filter codespace selection by repository name (user/repo)
    --repo-owner string   Filter codespace selection by repository owner (username or org)
-u, --user username       The username to delete codespaces for (used with --org)

gh codespace edit [flags]

Edit a codespace

-c, --codespace string      Name of the codespace
-d, --display-name string   Set the display name
-m, --machine string        Set hardware specifications for the VM
-R, --repo string           Filter codespace selection by repository name (user/repo)
    --repo-owner string     Filter codespace selection by repository owner (username or org)

gh codespace jupyter [flags]

Open a codespace in JupyterLab

-c, --codespace string    Name of the codespace
-R, --repo string         Filter codespace selection by repository name (user/repo)
    --repo-owner string   Filter codespace selection by repository owner (username or org)

gh codespace list [flags]

List codespaces

-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-L, --limit int         Maximum number of codespaces to list (default 30)
-o, --org login         The login handle of the organization to list codespaces for (admin-only)
-R, --repo string       Repository name with owner: user/repo
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-u, --user username     The username to list codespaces for (used with --org)
-w, --web               List codespaces in the web browser, cannot be used with --user or --org


gh codespace ls, gh cs ls

gh codespace logs [flags]

Access codespace logs

-c, --codespace string    Name of the codespace
-f, --follow              Tail and follow the logs
-R, --repo string         Filter codespace selection by repository name (user/repo)
    --repo-owner string   Filter codespace selection by repository owner (username or org)

gh codespace ports [flags]

List ports in a codespace

-c, --codespace string    Name of the codespace
-q, --jq expression       Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields         Output JSON with the specified fields
-R, --repo string         Filter codespace selection by repository name (user/repo)
    --repo-owner string   Filter codespace selection by repository owner (username or org)
-t, --template string     Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

gh codespace ports forward <remote-port>:<local-port>...

Forward ports

gh codespace ports visibility <port>:{public&#124;private&#124;org}...

Change the visibility of the forwarded port

gh codespace rebuild [flags]

Rebuild a codespace

-c, --codespace string    Name of the codespace
    --full                Perform a full rebuild
-R, --repo string         Filter codespace selection by repository name (user/repo)
    --repo-owner string   Filter codespace selection by repository owner (username or org)

gh codespace ssh [<flags>...] [-- <ssh-flags>...] [<command>]

SSH into a codespace

-c, --codespace string    Name of the codespace
    --config              Write OpenSSH configuration to stdout
-d, --debug               Log debug data to a file
    --debug-file string   Path of the file log to
    --profile string      Name of the SSH profile to use
-R, --repo string         Filter codespace selection by repository name (user/repo)
    --repo-owner string   Filter codespace selection by repository owner (username or org)
    --server-port int     SSH server port number (0 => pick unused)

gh codespace stop [flags]

Stop a running codespace

-c, --codespace string    Name of the codespace
-o, --org login           The login handle of the organization (admin-only)
-R, --repo string         Filter codespace selection by repository name (user/repo)
    --repo-owner string   Filter codespace selection by repository owner (username or org)
-u, --user username       The username to stop codespace for (used with --org)

gh codespace view [flags]

View details about a codespace

-c, --codespace string    Name of the codespace
-q, --jq expression       Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields         Output JSON with the specified fields
-R, --repo string         Filter codespace selection by repository name (user/repo)
    --repo-owner string   Filter codespace selection by repository owner (username or org)
-t, --template string     Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

gh completion -s <shell>

Generate shell completion scripts

-s, --shell string   Shell type: {bash&#124;zsh&#124;fish&#124;powershell}

gh config <command>

Manage configuration for gh

gh config clear-cache

Clear the cli cache

gh config get <key> [flags]

Print the value of a given configuration key

-h, --host string   Get per-host setting

gh config list [flags]

Print a list of configuration keys and values

-h, --host string   Get per-host configuration


gh config ls

gh config set <key> <value> [flags]

Update configuration with a value for the given key

-h, --host string   Set per-host setting

gh extension

Manage gh extensions


gh extensions, gh ext

gh extension browse [flags]

Enter a UI for browsing, adding, and removing extensions

    --debug           Log to /tmp/extBrowse-*
-s, --single-column   Render TUI with only one column of text

gh extension create [<name>] [flags]

Create a new extension

--precompiled string   Create a precompiled extension. Possible values: go, other

gh extension exec <name> [args]

Execute an installed extension

gh extension install <repository> [flags]

Install a gh extension from a repository

--force        Force upgrade extension, or ignore if latest already installed
--pin string   Pin extension to a release tag or commit ref

gh extension list

List installed extension commands


gh ext ls, gh extension ls, gh extensions ls

gh extension remove <name>

Remove an installed extension

gh extension search [<query>] [flags]

Search extensions to the GitHub CLI

-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
    --license strings   Filter based on license type
-L, --limit int         Maximum number of extensions to fetch (default 30)
    --order string      Order of repositories returned, ignored unless '--sort' flag is specified: {asc&#124;desc} (default "desc")
    --owner strings     Filter on owner
    --sort string       Sort fetched repositories: {forks&#124;help-wanted-issues&#124;stars&#124;updated} (default "best-match")
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-w, --web               Open the search query in the web browser

gh extension upgrade {<name> &#124; --all} [flags]

Upgrade installed extensions

--all       Upgrade all extensions
--dry-run   Only display upgrades
--force     Force upgrade extension

gh gist <command>

Manage gists

gh gist clone <gist> [<directory>] [-- <gitflags>...]

Clone a gist locally

gh gist create [<filename>... &#124; -] [flags]

Create a new gist

-d, --desc string       A description for this gist
-f, --filename string   Provide a filename to be used when reading from standard input
-p, --public            List the gist publicly (default "secret")
-w, --web               Open the web browser with created gist


gh gist new

gh gist delete {<id> &#124; <url>} [flags]

Delete a gist

--yes   Confirm deletion without prompting

gh gist edit {<id> &#124; <url>} [<filename>] [flags]

Edit one of your gists

-a, --add string        Add a new file to the gist
-d, --desc string       New description for the gist
-f, --filename string   Select a file to edit
-r, --remove string     Remove a file from the gist

gh gist list [flags]

List your gists

    --filter expression   Filter gists using a regular expression
    --include-content     Include gists' file content when filtering
-L, --limit int           Maximum number of gists to fetch (default 10)
    --public              Show only public gists
    --secret              Show only secret gists


gh gist ls

gh gist rename {<id> &#124; <url>} <old-filename> <new-filename>

Rename a file in a gist

gh gist view [<id> &#124; <url>] [flags]

View a gist

-f, --filename string   Display a single file from the gist
    --files             List file names from the gist
-r, --raw               Print raw instead of rendered gist contents
-w, --web               Open gist in the browser

gh gpg-key <command>

Manage GPG keys

gh gpg-key add [<key-file>] [flags]

Add a GPG key to your GitHub account

-t, --title string   Title for the new key

gh gpg-key delete <key-id> [flags]

Delete a GPG key from your GitHub account

-y, --yes   Skip the confirmation prompt

gh gpg-key list

Lists GPG keys in your GitHub account


gh gpg-key ls

gh issue <command>

Manage issues

gh issue close {<number> &#124; <url>} [flags]

Close issue

-c, --comment string   Leave a closing comment
-r, --reason string    Reason for closing: {completed&#124;not planned}

gh issue comment {<number> &#124; <url>} [flags]

Add a comment to an issue

-b, --body text        The comment body text
-F, --body-file file   Read body text from file (use "-" to read from standard input)
    --create-if-none   Create a new comment if no comments are found. Can be used only with --edit-last
    --edit-last        Edit the last comment of the same author
-e, --editor           Skip prompts and open the text editor to write the body in
-w, --web              Open the web browser to write the comment

gh issue create [flags]

Create a new issue

-a, --assignee login   Assign people by their login. Use "@me" to self-assign.
-b, --body string      Supply a body. Will prompt for one otherwise.
-F, --body-file file   Read body text from file (use "-" to read from standard input)
-e, --editor           Skip prompts and open the text editor to write the title and body in. The first line is the title and the remaining text is the body.
-l, --label name       Add labels by name
-m, --milestone name   Add the issue to a milestone by name
-p, --project title    Add the issue to projects by title
    --recover string   Recover input from a failed run of create
-T, --template name    Template name to use as starting body text
-t, --title string     Supply a title. Will prompt for one otherwise.
-w, --web              Open the browser to create an issue


gh issue new

gh issue delete {<number> &#124; <url>} [flags]

Delete issue

--yes   Confirm deletion without prompting

gh issue develop {<number> &#124; <url>} [flags]

Manage linked branches for an issue

-b, --base string          Name of the remote branch you want to make your new branch from
    --branch-repo string   Name or URL of the repository where you want to create your new branch
-c, --checkout             Checkout the branch after creating it
-l, --list                 List linked branches for the issue
-n, --name string          Name of the branch to create

gh issue edit {<numbers> &#124; <urls>} [flags]

Edit issues

    --add-assignee login      Add assigned users by their login. Use "@me" to assign yourself.
    --add-label name          Add labels by name
    --add-project title       Add the issue to projects by title
-b, --body string             Set the new body.
-F, --body-file file          Read body text from file (use "-" to read from standard input)
-m, --milestone name          Edit the milestone the issue belongs to by name
    --remove-assignee login   Remove assigned users by their login. Use "@me" to unassign yourself.
    --remove-label name       Remove labels by name
    --remove-milestone        Remove the milestone association from the issue
    --remove-project title    Remove the issue from projects by title
-t, --title string            Set the new title.

gh issue list [flags]

List issues in a repository

    --app string         Filter by GitHub App author
-a, --assignee string    Filter by assignee
-A, --author string      Filter by author
-q, --jq expression      Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields        Output JSON with the specified fields
-l, --label strings      Filter by label
-L, --limit int          Maximum number of issues to fetch (default 30)
    --mention string     Filter by mention
-m, --milestone string   Filter by milestone number or title
-S, --search query       Search issues with query
-s, --state string       Filter by state: {open&#124;closed&#124;all} (default "open")
-t, --template string    Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-w, --web                List issues in the web browser


gh issue ls

gh issue lock {<number> &#124; <url>} [flags]

Lock issue conversation

-r, --reason string   Optional reason for locking conversation (off_topic, resolved, spam, too_heated).

gh issue pin {<number> &#124; <url>}

Pin a issue

gh issue reopen {<number> &#124; <url>} [flags]

Reopen issue

-c, --comment string   Add a reopening comment

gh issue status [flags]

Show status of relevant issues

-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

gh issue transfer {<number> &#124; <url>} <destination-repo>

Transfer issue to another repository

gh issue unlock {<number> &#124; <url>}

Unlock issue conversation

gh issue unpin {<number> &#124; <url>}

Unpin a issue

gh issue view {<number> &#124; <url>} [flags]

View an issue

-c, --comments          View issue comments
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-w, --web               Open an issue in the browser

gh label <command>

Manage labels

gh label clone <source-repository> [flags]

Clones labels from one repository to another

-f, --force   Overwrite labels in the destination repository

gh label create <name> [flags]

Create a new label

-c, --color string         Color of the label
-d, --description string   Description of the label
-f, --force                Update the label color and description if label already exists

gh label delete <name> [flags]

Delete a label from a repository

--yes   Confirm deletion without prompting

gh label edit <name> [flags]

Edit a label

-c, --color string         Color of the label
-d, --description string   Description of the label
-n, --name string          New name of the label

gh label list [flags]

List labels in a repository

-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-L, --limit int         Maximum number of labels to fetch (default 30)
    --order string      Order of labels returned: {asc&#124;desc} (default "asc")
-S, --search string     Search label names and descriptions
    --sort string       Sort fetched labels: {created&#124;name} (default "created")
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-w, --web               List labels in the web browser


gh label ls

gh org <command>

Manage organizations

gh org list [flags]

List organizations for the authenticated user.

-L, --limit int   Maximum number of organizations to list (default 30)


gh org ls

gh pr <command>

Manage pull requests

gh pr checkout [<number> &#124; <url> &#124; <branch>] [flags]

Check out a pull request in git

-b, --branch string        Local branch name to use (default [the name of the head branch])
    --detach               Checkout PR with a detached HEAD
-f, --force                Reset the existing local branch to the latest state of the pull request
    --recurse-submodules   Update all submodules after checkout

gh pr checks [<number> &#124; <url> &#124; <branch>] [flags]

Show CI status for a single pull request

    --fail-fast          Exit watch mode on first check failure
-i, --interval --watch   Refresh interval in seconds when using --watch flag (default 10)
-q, --jq expression      Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields        Output JSON with the specified fields
    --required           Only show checks that are required
-t, --template string    Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --watch              Watch checks until they finish
-w, --web                Open the web browser to show details about checks

gh pr close {<number> &#124; <url> &#124; <branch>} [flags]

Close a pull request

-c, --comment string   Leave a closing comment
-d, --delete-branch    Delete the local and remote branch after close

gh pr comment [<number> &#124; <url> &#124; <branch>] [flags]

Add a comment to a pull request

-b, --body text        The comment body text
-F, --body-file file   Read body text from file (use "-" to read from standard input)
    --create-if-none   Create a new comment if no comments are found. Can be used only with --edit-last
    --edit-last        Edit the last comment of the same author
-e, --editor           Skip prompts and open the text editor to write the body in
-w, --web              Open the web browser to write the comment

gh pr create [flags]

Create a pull request

-a, --assignee login       Assign people by their login. Use "@me" to self-assign.
-B, --base branch          The branch into which you want your code merged
-b, --body string          Body for the pull request
-F, --body-file file       Read body text from file (use "-" to read from standard input)
-d, --draft                Mark pull request as a draft
    --dry-run              Print details instead of creating the PR. May still push git changes.
-e, --editor               Skip prompts and open the text editor to write the title and body in. The first line is the title and the remaining text is the body.
-f, --fill                 Use commit info for title and body
    --fill-first           Use first commit info for title and body
    --fill-verbose         Use commits msg+body for description
-H, --head branch          The branch that contains commits for your pull request (default [current branch])
-l, --label name           Add labels by name
-m, --milestone name       Add the pull request to a milestone by name
    --no-maintainer-edit   Disable maintainer's ability to modify pull request
-p, --project title        Add the pull request to projects by title
    --recover string       Recover input from a failed run of create
-r, --reviewer handle      Request reviews from people or teams by their handle
-T, --template file        Template file to use as starting body text
-t, --title string         Title for the pull request
-w, --web                  Open the web browser to create a pull request


gh pr new

gh pr diff [<number> &#124; <url> &#124; <branch>] [flags]

View changes in a pull request

    --color string   Use color in diff output: {always&#124;never&#124;auto} (default "auto")
    --name-only      Display only names of changed files
    --patch          Display diff in patch format
-w, --web            Open the pull request diff in the browser

gh pr edit [<number> &#124; <url> &#124; <branch>] [flags]

Edit a pull request

    --add-assignee login      Add assigned users by their login. Use "@me" to assign yourself.
    --add-label name          Add labels by name
    --add-project title       Add the pull request to projects by title
    --add-reviewer login      Add reviewers by their login.
-B, --base branch             Change the base branch for this pull request
-b, --body string             Set the new body.
-F, --body-file file          Read body text from file (use "-" to read from standard input)
-m, --milestone name          Edit the milestone the pull request belongs to by name
    --remove-assignee login   Remove assigned users by their login. Use "@me" to unassign yourself.
    --remove-label name       Remove labels by name
    --remove-milestone        Remove the milestone association from the pull request
    --remove-project title    Remove the pull request from projects by title
    --remove-reviewer login   Remove reviewers by their login.
-t, --title string            Set the new title.

gh pr list [flags]

List pull requests in a repository

    --app string        Filter by GitHub App author
-a, --assignee string   Filter by assignee
-A, --author string     Filter by author
-B, --base string       Filter by base branch
-d, --draft             Filter by draft state
-H, --head string       Filter by head branch
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-l, --label strings     Filter by label
-L, --limit int         Maximum number of items to fetch (default 30)
-S, --search query      Search pull requests with query
-s, --state string      Filter by state: {open&#124;closed&#124;merged&#124;all} (default "open")
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-w, --web               List pull requests in the web browser


gh pr ls

gh pr lock {<number> &#124; <url>} [flags]

Lock pull request conversation

-r, --reason string   Optional reason for locking conversation (off_topic, resolved, spam, too_heated).

gh pr merge [<number> &#124; <url> &#124; <branch>] [flags]

Merge a pull request

    --admin                   Use administrator privileges to merge a pull request that does not meet requirements
-A, --author-email text       Email text for merge commit author
    --auto                    Automatically merge only after necessary requirements are met
-b, --body text               Body text for the merge commit
-F, --body-file file          Read body text from file (use "-" to read from standard input)
-d, --delete-branch           Delete the local and remote branch after merge
    --disable-auto            Disable auto-merge for this pull request
    --match-head-commit SHA   Commit SHA that the pull request head must match to allow merge
-m, --merge                   Merge the commits with the base branch
-r, --rebase                  Rebase the commits onto the base branch
-s, --squash                  Squash the commits into one commit and merge it into the base branch
-t, --subject text            Subject text for the merge commit

gh pr ready [<number> &#124; <url> &#124; <branch>] [flags]

Mark a pull request as ready for review

--undo   Convert a pull request to "draft"

gh pr reopen {<number> &#124; <url> &#124; <branch>} [flags]

Reopen a pull request

-c, --comment string   Add a reopening comment

gh pr review [<number> &#124; <url> &#124; <branch>] [flags]

Add a review to a pull request

-a, --approve           Approve pull request
-b, --body string       Specify the body of a review
-F, --body-file file    Read body text from file (use "-" to read from standard input)
-c, --comment           Comment on a pull request
-r, --request-changes   Request changes on a pull request

gh pr status [flags]

Show status of relevant pull requests

-c, --conflict-status   Display the merge conflict status of each pull request
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

gh pr unlock {<number> &#124; <url>}

Unlock pull request conversation

gh pr update-branch [<number> &#124; <url> &#124; <branch>] [flags]

Update a pull request branch

--rebase   Update PR branch by rebasing on top of latest base branch

gh pr view [<number> &#124; <url> &#124; <branch>] [flags]

View a pull request

-c, --comments          View pull request comments
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-w, --web               Open a pull request in the browser

gh project <command>

Work with GitHub Projects.

gh project close [<number>] [flags]

Close a project

    --format string     Output format: {json}
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --owner string      Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --undo              Reopen a closed project

gh project copy [<number>] [flags]

Copy a project

    --drafts                Include draft issues when copying
    --format string         Output format: {json}
-q, --jq expression         Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --source-owner string   Login of the source owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
    --target-owner string   Login of the target owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
-t, --template string       Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --title string          Title for the new project

gh project create [flags]

Create a project

    --format string     Output format: {json}
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --owner string      Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --title string      Title for the project

gh project delete [<number>] [flags]

Delete a project

    --format string     Output format: {json}
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --owner string      Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

gh project edit [<number>] [flags]

Edit a project

-d, --description string   New description of the project
    --format string        Output format: {json}
-q, --jq expression        Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --owner string         Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
    --readme string        New readme for the project
-t, --template string      Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --title string         New title for the project
    --visibility string    Change project visibility: {PUBLIC&#124;PRIVATE}

gh project field-create [<number>] [flags]

Create a field in a project

    --data-type string                DataType of the new field.: {TEXT&#124;SINGLE_SELECT&#124;DATE&#124;NUMBER}
    --format string                   Output format: {json}
-q, --jq expression                   Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --name string                     Name of the new field
    --owner string                    Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
    --single-select-options strings   Options for SINGLE_SELECT data type
-t, --template string                 Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

gh project field-delete [flags]

Delete a field in a project

    --format string     Output format: {json}
    --id string         ID of the field to delete
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

gh project field-list [<number>] [flags]

List the fields in a project

    --format string     Output format: {json}
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
-L, --limit int         Maximum number of fields to fetch (default 30)
    --owner string      Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

gh project item-add [<number>] [flags]

Add a pull request or an issue to a project

    --format string     Output format: {json}
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --owner string      Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --url string        URL of the issue or pull request to add to the project

gh project item-archive [<number>] [flags]

Archive an item in a project

    --format string     Output format: {json}
    --id string         ID of the item to archive
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --owner string      Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --undo              Unarchive an item

gh project item-create [<number>] [flags]

Create a draft issue item in a project

    --body string       Body for the draft issue
    --format string     Output format: {json}
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --owner string      Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --title string      Title for the draft issue

gh project item-delete [<number>] [flags]

Delete an item from a project by ID

    --format string     Output format: {json}
    --id string         ID of the item to delete
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --owner string      Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

gh project item-edit [flags]

Edit an item in a project

    --body string                      Body of the draft issue item
    --clear                            Remove field value
    --date string                      Date value for the field (YYYY-MM-DD)
    --field-id string                  ID of the field to update
    --format string                    Output format: {json}
    --id string                        ID of the item to edit
    --iteration-id string              ID of the iteration value to set on the field
-q, --jq expression                    Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --number float                     Number value for the field
    --project-id string                ID of the project to which the field belongs to
    --single-select-option-id string   ID of the single select option value to set on the field
-t, --template string                  Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --text string                      Text value for the field
    --title string                     Title of the draft issue item

gh project item-list [<number>] [flags]

List the items in a project

    --format string     Output format: {json}
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
-L, --limit int         Maximum number of items to fetch (default 30)
    --owner string      Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

Link a project to a repository or a team

    --owner string   Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
-R, --repo string    The repository to be linked to this project
-T, --team string    The team to be linked to this project

gh project list [flags]

List the projects for an owner

    --closed            Include closed projects
    --format string     Output format: {json}
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
-L, --limit int         Maximum number of projects to fetch (default 30)
    --owner string      Login of the owner
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-w, --web               Open projects list in the browser


gh project ls

gh project mark-template [<number>] [flags]

Mark a project as a template

    --format string     Output format: {json}
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --owner string      Login of the org owner.
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --undo              Unmark the project as a template.

Unlink a project from a repository or a team

    --owner string   Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
-R, --repo string    The repository to be unlinked from this project
-T, --team string    The team to be unlinked from this project

gh project view [<number>] [flags]

View a project

    --format string     Output format: {json}
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --owner string      Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-w, --web               Open a project in the browser

gh release <command>

Manage releases

gh release create [<tag>] [<files>...]

Create a new release

    --discussion-category string   Start a discussion in the specified category
-d, --draft                        Save the release as a draft instead of publishing it
    --fail-on-no-commits           Fail if there are no commits since the last release (no impact on the first release)
    --generate-notes               Automatically generate title and notes for the release
    --latest                       Mark this release as "Latest" (default [automatic based on date and version]). --latest=false to explicitly NOT set as latest
-n, --notes string                 Release notes
-F, --notes-file file              Read release notes from file (use "-" to read from standard input)
    --notes-from-tag               Automatically generate notes from annotated tag
    --notes-start-tag string       Tag to use as the starting point for generating release notes
-p, --prerelease                   Mark the release as a prerelease
    --target branch                Target branch or full commit SHA (default [main branch])
-t, --title string                 Release title
    --verify-tag                   Abort in case the git tag doesn't already exist in the remote repository


gh release new

gh release delete <tag> [flags]

Delete a release

    --cleanup-tag   Delete the specified tag in addition to its release
-y, --yes           Skip the confirmation prompt

gh release delete-asset <tag> <asset-name> [flags]

Delete an asset from a release

-y, --yes   Skip the confirmation prompt

gh release download [<tag>] [flags]

Download release assets

-A, --archive format        Download the source code archive in the specified format (zip or tar.gz)
    --clobber               Overwrite existing files of the same name
-D, --dir directory         The directory to download files into (default ".")
-O, --output file           The file to write a single asset to (use "-" to write to standard output)
-p, --pattern stringArray   Download only assets that match a glob pattern
    --skip-existing         Skip downloading when files of the same name exist

gh release edit <tag>

Edit a release

    --discussion-category string   Start a discussion in the specified category when publishing a draft
    --draft                        Save the release as a draft instead of publishing it
    --latest                       Explicitly mark the release as "Latest"
-n, --notes string                 Release notes
-F, --notes-file file              Read release notes from file (use "-" to read from standard input)
    --prerelease                   Mark the release as a prerelease
    --tag string                   The name of the tag
    --target branch                Target branch or full commit SHA (default [main branch])
-t, --title string                 Release title
    --verify-tag                   Abort in case the git tag doesn't already exist in the remote repository

gh release list [flags]

List releases in a repository

    --exclude-drafts         Exclude draft releases
    --exclude-pre-releases   Exclude pre-releases
-q, --jq expression          Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields            Output JSON with the specified fields
-L, --limit int              Maximum number of items to fetch (default 30)
-O, --order string           Order of releases returned: {asc&#124;desc} (default "desc")
-t, --template string        Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"


gh release ls

gh release upload <tag> <files>... [flags]

Upload assets to a release

--clobber   Overwrite existing assets of the same name

gh release view [<tag>] [flags]

View information about a release

-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-w, --web               Open the release in the browser

gh repo <command>

Manage repositories

gh repo archive [<repository>] [flags]

Archive a repository

-y, --yes   Skip the confirmation prompt

Manage autolink references

Create a new autolink reference

-n, --numeric   Mark autolink as numeric


gh repo autolink new

Delete an autolink reference

--yes   Confirm deletion without prompting

List autolink references for a GitHub repository

-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-w, --web               List autolink references in the web browser


gh repo autolink ls

View an autolink reference

-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

gh repo clone <repository> [<directory>] [-- <gitflags>...]

Clone a repository locally

-u, --upstream-remote-name string   Upstream remote name when cloning a fork (default "upstream")

gh repo create [<name>] [flags]

Create a new repository

    --add-readme             Add a README file to the new repository
-c, --clone                  Clone the new repository to the current directory
-d, --description string     Description of the repository
    --disable-issues         Disable issues in the new repository
    --disable-wiki           Disable wiki in the new repository
-g, --gitignore string       Specify a gitignore template for the repository
-h, --homepage URL           Repository home page URL
    --include-all-branches   Include all branches from template repository
    --internal               Make the new repository internal
-l, --license string         Specify an Open Source License for the repository
    --private                Make the new repository private
    --public                 Make the new repository public
    --push                   Push local commits to the new repository
-r, --remote string          Specify remote name for the new repository
-s, --source string          Specify path to local repository to use as source
-t, --team name              The name of the organization team to be granted access
-p, --template repository    Make the new repository based on a template repository


gh repo new

gh repo delete [<repository>] [flags]

Delete a repository

--yes   Confirm deletion without prompting

gh repo deploy-key <command>

Manage deploy keys in a repository

gh repo deploy-key add <key-file> [flags]

Add a deploy key to a GitHub repository

-w, --allow-write    Allow write access for the key
-t, --title string   Title of the new key

gh repo deploy-key delete <key-id>

Delete a deploy key from a GitHub repository

gh repo deploy-key list [flags]

List deploy keys in a GitHub repository

-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"


gh repo deploy-key ls

gh repo edit [<repository>] [flags]

Edit repository settings

    --accept-visibility-change-consequences    Accept the consequences of changing the repository visibility
    --add-topic strings                        Add repository topic
    --allow-forking                            Allow forking of an organization repository
    --allow-update-branch                      Allow a pull request head branch that is behind its base branch to be updated
    --default-branch name                      Set the default branch name for the repository
    --delete-branch-on-merge                   Delete head branch when pull requests are merged
-d, --description string                       Description of the repository
    --enable-advanced-security                 Enable advanced security in the repository
    --enable-auto-merge                        Enable auto-merge functionality
    --enable-discussions                       Enable discussions in the repository
    --enable-issues                            Enable issues in the repository
    --enable-merge-commit                      Enable merging pull requests via merge commit
    --enable-projects                          Enable projects in the repository
    --enable-rebase-merge                      Enable merging pull requests via rebase
    --enable-secret-scanning                   Enable secret scanning in the repository
    --enable-secret-scanning-push-protection   Enable secret scanning push protection in the repository. Secret scanning must be enabled first
    --enable-squash-merge                      Enable merging pull requests via squashed commit
    --enable-wiki                              Enable wiki in the repository
-h, --homepage URL                             Repository home page URL
    --remove-topic strings                     Remove repository topic
    --template                                 Make the repository available as a template repository
    --visibility string                        Change the visibility of the repository to {public,private,internal}

gh repo fork [<repository>] [-- <gitflags>...] [flags]

Create a fork of a repository

--clone                 Clone the fork
--default-branch-only   Only include the default branch in the fork
--fork-name string      Rename the forked repository
--org string            Create the fork in an organization
--remote                Add a git remote for the fork
--remote-name string    Specify the name for the new remote (default "origin")

gh repo gitignore <command>

List and view available repository gitignore templates

gh repo gitignore list

List available repository gitignore templates


gh repo gitignore ls

gh repo gitignore view <template>

View an available repository gitignore template

gh repo license <command>

Explore repository licenses

gh repo license list

List common repository licenses


gh repo license ls

gh repo license view {<license-key> &#124; <spdx-id>} [flags]

View a specific repository license

-w, --web   Open in the browser

gh repo list [<owner>] [flags]

List repositories owned by user or organization

    --archived            Show only archived repositories
    --fork                Show only forks
-q, --jq expression       Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields         Output JSON with the specified fields
-l, --language string     Filter by primary coding language
-L, --limit int           Maximum number of repositories to list (default 30)
    --no-archived         Omit archived repositories
    --source              Show only non-forks
-t, --template string     Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --topic strings       Filter by topic
    --visibility string   Filter by repository visibility: {public&#124;private&#124;internal}


gh repo ls

gh repo rename [<new-name>] [flags]

Rename a repository

-y, --yes   Skip the confirmation prompt

gh repo set-default [<repository>] [flags]

Configure default repository for this directory

-u, --unset   Unset the current default repository
-v, --view    View the current default repository

gh repo sync [<destination-repository>] [flags]

Sync a repository

-b, --branch string   Branch to sync (default [default branch])
    --force           Hard reset the branch of the destination repository to match the source repository
-s, --source string   Source repository

gh repo unarchive [<repository>] [flags]

Unarchive a repository

-y, --yes   Skip the confirmation prompt

gh repo view [<repository>] [flags]

View a repository

-b, --branch string     View a specific branch of the repository
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-w, --web               Open a repository in the browser

gh ruleset <command>

View info about repo rulesets


gh rs

gh ruleset check [<branch>] [flags]

View rules that would apply to a given branch

    --default   Check rules on default branch
-w, --web       Open the branch rules page in a web browser

gh ruleset list [flags]

List rulesets for a repository or organization

-L, --limit int    Maximum number of rulesets to list (default 30)
-o, --org string   List organization-wide rulesets for the provided organization
-p, --parents      Whether to include rulesets configured at higher levels that also apply (default true)
-w, --web          Open the list of rulesets in the web browser


gh rs ls, gh ruleset ls

gh ruleset view [<ruleset-id>] [flags]

View information about a ruleset

-o, --org string   Organization name if the provided ID is an organization-level ruleset
-p, --parents      Whether to include rulesets configured at higher levels that also apply (default true)
-w, --web          Open the ruleset in the browser

gh run <command>

View details about workflow runs

gh run cancel [<run-id>]

Cancel a workflow run

gh run delete [<run-id>]

Delete a workflow run

gh run download [<run-id>] [flags]

Download artifacts generated by a workflow run

-D, --dir string            The directory to download artifacts into (default ".")
-n, --name stringArray      Download artifacts that match any of the given names
-p, --pattern stringArray   Download artifacts that match a glob pattern

gh run list [flags]

List recent workflow runs

-a, --all               Include disabled workflows
-b, --branch string     Filter runs by branch
-c, --commit SHA        Filter runs by the SHA of the commit
    --created date      Filter runs by the date it was created
-e, --event event       Filter runs by which event triggered the run
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-L, --limit int         Maximum number of runs to fetch (default 20)
-s, --status string     Filter runs by status: {queued&#124;completed&#124;in_progress&#124;requested&#124;waiting&#124;pending&#124;action_required&#124;cancelled&#124;failure&#124;neutral&#124;skipped&#124;stale&#124;startup_failure&#124;success&#124;timed_out}
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-u, --user string       Filter runs by user who triggered the run
-w, --workflow string   Filter runs by workflow


gh run ls

gh run rerun [<run-id>] [flags]

Rerun a run

-d, --debug        Rerun with debug logging
    --failed       Rerun only failed jobs, including dependencies
-j, --job string   Rerun a specific job ID from a run, including dependencies

gh run view [<run-id>] [flags]

View a summary of a workflow run

-a, --attempt uint      The attempt number of the workflow run
    --exit-status       Exit with non-zero status if run failed
-j, --job string        View a specific job ID from a run
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
    --log               View full log for either a run or specific job
    --log-failed        View the log for any failed steps in a run or specific job
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-v, --verbose           Show job steps
-w, --web               Open run in the browser

gh run watch <run-id> [flags]

Watch a run until it completes, showing its progress

    --exit-status    Exit with non-zero status if run fails
-i, --interval int   Refresh interval in seconds (default 3)

gh search <command>

Search for repositories, issues, and pull requests

gh search code <query> [flags]

Search within code

    --extension string   Filter on file extension
    --filename string    Filter on filename
-q, --jq expression      Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields        Output JSON with the specified fields
    --language string    Filter results by language
-L, --limit int          Maximum number of code results to fetch (default 30)
    --match strings      Restrict search to file contents or file path: {file&#124;path}
    --owner strings      Filter on owner
-R, --repo strings       Filter on repository
    --size string        Filter on size range, in kilobytes
-t, --template string    Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-w, --web                Open the search query in the web browser

gh search commits [<query>] [flags]

Search for commits

    --author string            Filter by author
    --author-date date         Filter based on authored date
    --author-email string      Filter on author email
    --author-name string       Filter on author name
    --committer string         Filter by committer
    --committer-date date      Filter based on committed date
    --committer-email string   Filter on committer email
    --committer-name string    Filter on committer name
    --hash string              Filter by commit hash
-q, --jq expression            Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields              Output JSON with the specified fields
-L, --limit int                Maximum number of commits to fetch (default 30)
    --merge                    Filter on merge commits
    --order string             Order of commits returned, ignored unless '--sort' flag is specified: {asc&#124;desc} (default "desc")
    --owner strings            Filter on repository owner
    --parent string            Filter by parent hash
-R, --repo strings             Filter on repository
    --sort string              Sort fetched commits: {author-date&#124;committer-date} (default "best-match")
-t, --template string          Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --tree string              Filter by tree hash
    --visibility strings       Filter based on repository visibility: {public&#124;private&#124;internal}
-w, --web                      Open the search query in the web browser

gh search issues [<query>] [flags]

Search for issues

    --app string             Filter by GitHub App author
    --archived               Filter based on the repository archived state {true&#124;false}
    --assignee string        Filter by assignee
    --author string          Filter by author
    --closed date            Filter on closed at date
    --commenter user         Filter based on comments by user
    --comments number        Filter on number of comments
    --created date           Filter based on created at date
    --include-prs            Include pull requests in results
    --interactions number    Filter on number of reactions and comments
    --involves user          Filter based on involvement of user
-q, --jq expression          Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields            Output JSON with the specified fields
    --label strings          Filter on label
    --language string        Filter based on the coding language
-L, --limit int              Maximum number of results to fetch (default 30)
    --locked                 Filter on locked conversation status
    --match strings          Restrict search to specific field of issue: {title&#124;body&#124;comments}
    --mentions user          Filter based on user mentions
    --milestone title        Filter by milestone title
    --no-assignee            Filter on missing assignee
    --no-label               Filter on missing label
    --no-milestone           Filter on missing milestone
    --no-project             Filter on missing project
    --order string           Order of results returned, ignored unless '--sort' flag is specified: {asc&#124;desc} (default "desc")
    --owner strings          Filter on repository owner
    --project owner/number   Filter on project board owner/number
    --reactions number       Filter on number of reactions
-R, --repo strings           Filter on repository
    --sort string            Sort fetched results: {comments&#124;created&#124;interactions&#124;reactions&#124;reactions-+1&#124;reactions--1&#124;reactions-heart&#124;reactions-smile&#124;reactions-tada&#124;reactions-thinking_face&#124;updated} (default "best-match")
    --state string           Filter based on state: {open&#124;closed}
    --team-mentions string   Filter based on team mentions
-t, --template string        Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --updated date           Filter on last updated at date
    --visibility strings     Filter based on repository visibility: {public&#124;private&#124;internal}
-w, --web                    Open the search query in the web browser

gh search prs [<query>] [flags]

Search for pull requests

    --app string              Filter by GitHub App author
    --archived                Filter based on the repository archived state {true&#124;false}
    --assignee string         Filter by assignee
    --author string           Filter by author
-B, --base string             Filter on base branch name
    --checks string           Filter based on status of the checks: {pending&#124;success&#124;failure}
    --closed date             Filter on closed at date
    --commenter user          Filter based on comments by user
    --comments number         Filter on number of comments
    --created date            Filter based on created at date
    --draft                   Filter based on draft state
-H, --head string             Filter on head branch name
    --interactions number     Filter on number of reactions and comments
    --involves user           Filter based on involvement of user
-q, --jq expression           Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields             Output JSON with the specified fields
    --label strings           Filter on label
    --language string         Filter based on the coding language
-L, --limit int               Maximum number of results to fetch (default 30)
    --locked                  Filter on locked conversation status
    --match strings           Restrict search to specific field of issue: {title&#124;body&#124;comments}
    --mentions user           Filter based on user mentions
    --merged                  Filter based on merged state
    --merged-at date          Filter on merged at date
    --milestone title         Filter by milestone title
    --no-assignee             Filter on missing assignee
    --no-label                Filter on missing label
    --no-milestone            Filter on missing milestone
    --no-project              Filter on missing project
    --order string            Order of results returned, ignored unless '--sort' flag is specified: {asc&#124;desc} (default "desc")
    --owner strings           Filter on repository owner
    --project owner/number    Filter on project board owner/number
    --reactions number        Filter on number of reactions
-R, --repo strings            Filter on repository
    --review string           Filter based on review status: {none&#124;required&#124;approved&#124;changes_requested}
    --review-requested user   Filter on user or team requested to review
    --reviewed-by user        Filter on user who reviewed
    --sort string             Sort fetched results: {comments&#124;reactions&#124;reactions-+1&#124;reactions--1&#124;reactions-smile&#124;reactions-thinking_face&#124;reactions-heart&#124;reactions-tada&#124;interactions&#124;created&#124;updated} (default "best-match")
    --state string            Filter based on state: {open&#124;closed}
    --team-mentions string    Filter based on team mentions
-t, --template string         Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --updated date            Filter on last updated at date
    --visibility strings      Filter based on repository visibility: {public&#124;private&#124;internal}
-w, --web                     Open the search query in the web browser

gh search repos [<query>] [flags]

Search for repositories

    --archived                    Filter based on the repository archived state {true&#124;false}
    --created date                Filter based on created at date
    --followers number            Filter based on number of followers
    --forks number                Filter on number of forks
    --good-first-issues number    Filter on number of issues with the 'good first issue' label
    --help-wanted-issues number   Filter on number of issues with the 'help wanted' label
    --include-forks string        Include forks in fetched repositories: {false&#124;true&#124;only}
-q, --jq expression               Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields                 Output JSON with the specified fields
    --language string             Filter based on the coding language
    --license strings             Filter based on license type
-L, --limit int                   Maximum number of repositories to fetch (default 30)
    --match strings               Restrict search to specific field of repository: {name&#124;description&#124;readme}
    --number-topics number        Filter on number of topics
    --order string                Order of repositories returned, ignored unless '--sort' flag is specified: {asc&#124;desc} (default "desc")
    --owner strings               Filter on owner
    --size string                 Filter on a size range, in kilobytes
    --sort string                 Sort fetched repositories: {forks&#124;help-wanted-issues&#124;stars&#124;updated} (default "best-match")
    --stars number                Filter on number of stars
-t, --template string             Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
    --topic strings               Filter on topic
    --updated date                Filter on last updated at date
    --visibility strings          Filter based on visibility: {public&#124;private&#124;internal}
-w, --web                         Open the search query in the web browser

gh secret <command>

Manage GitHub secrets

gh secret delete <secret-name> [flags]

Delete secrets

-a, --app string   Delete a secret for a specific application: {actions&#124;codespaces&#124;dependabot}
-e, --env string   Delete a secret for an environment
-o, --org string   Delete a secret for an organization
-u, --user         Delete a secret for your user


gh secret remove

gh secret list [flags]

List secrets

-a, --app string        List secrets for a specific application: {actions&#124;codespaces&#124;dependabot}
-e, --env string        List secrets for an environment
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-o, --org string        List secrets for an organization
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
-u, --user              List a secret for your user


gh secret ls

gh secret set <secret-name> [flags]

Create or update secrets

-a, --app string           Set the application for a secret: {actions&#124;codespaces&#124;dependabot}
-b, --body string          The value for the secret (reads from standard input if not specified)
-e, --env environment      Set deployment environment secret
-f, --env-file file        Load secret names and values from a dotenv-formatted file
    --no-store             Print the encrypted, base64-encoded value instead of storing it on GitHub
-o, --org organization     Set organization secret
-r, --repos repositories   List of repositories that can access an organization or user secret
-u, --user                 Set a secret for your user
-v, --visibility string    Set visibility for an organization secret: {all&#124;private&#124;selected} (default "private")

gh ssh-key <command>

Manage SSH keys

gh ssh-key add [<key-file>] [flags]

Add an SSH key to your GitHub account

-t, --title string   Title for the new key
    --type string    Type of the ssh key: {authentication&#124;signing} (default "authentication")

gh ssh-key delete <id> [flags]

Delete an SSH key from your GitHub account

-y, --yes   Skip the confirmation prompt

gh ssh-key list

Lists SSH keys in your GitHub account


gh ssh-key ls

gh status [flags]

Print information about relevant issues, pull requests, and notifications across repositories

-e, --exclude strings   Comma separated list of repos to exclude in owner/name format
-o, --org string        Report status within an organization

gh variable <command>

Manage GitHub Actions variables

gh variable delete <variable-name> [flags]

Delete variables

-e, --env string   Delete a variable for an environment
-o, --org string   Delete a variable for an organization


gh variable remove

gh variable get <variable-name> [flags]

Get variables

-e, --env string        Get a variable for an environment
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-o, --org string        Get a variable for an organization
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

gh variable list [flags]

List variables

-e, --env string        List variables for an environment
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-o, --org string        List variables for an organization
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"


gh variable ls

gh variable set <variable-name> [flags]

Create or update variables

-b, --body string          The value for the variable (reads from standard input if not specified)
-e, --env environment      Set deployment environment variable
-f, --env-file file        Load variable names and values from a dotenv-formatted file
-o, --org organization     Set organization variable
-r, --repos repositories   List of repositories that can access an organization variable
-v, --visibility string    Set visibility for an organization variable: {all&#124;private&#124;selected} (default "private")

gh workflow <command>

View details about GitHub Actions workflows

gh workflow disable [<workflow-id> &#124; <workflow-name>]

Disable a workflow

gh workflow enable [<workflow-id> &#124; <workflow-name>]

Enable a workflow

gh workflow list [flags]

List workflows

-a, --all               Include disabled workflows
-q, --jq expression     Filter JSON output using a jq expression
    --json fields       Output JSON with the specified fields
-L, --limit int         Maximum number of workflows to fetch (default 50)
-t, --template string   Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"


gh workflow ls

gh workflow run [<workflow-id> &#124; <workflow-name>] [flags]

Run a workflow by creating a workflow_dispatch event

-F, --field key=value       Add a string parameter in key=value format, respecting @ syntax (see "gh help api").
    --json                  Read workflow inputs as JSON via STDIN
-f, --raw-field key=value   Add a string parameter in key=value format
-r, --ref string            Branch or tag name which contains the version of the workflow file you'd like to run

gh workflow view [<workflow-id> &#124; <workflow-name> &#124; <filename>] [flags]

View the summary of a workflow

-r, --ref string   The branch or tag name which contains the version of the workflow file you'd like to view
-w, --web          Open workflow in the browser
-y, --yaml         View the workflow yaml file

See also