gh cache list
List GitHub Actions caches
gh cache list [flags]
,--jq <expression>
- Filter JSON output using a jq expression
--json <fields>
- Output JSON with the specified fields
,--key <string>
- Filter by cache key prefix
,--limit <int> (default 30)
- Maximum number of caches to fetch
,--order <string> (default "desc")
- Order of caches returned: {asc|desc}
,--ref <string>
- Filter by ref, formatted as refs/heads/<branch name> or refs/pull/<number>/merge
,--sort <string> (default "last_accessed_at")
- Sort fetched caches: {created_at|last_accessed_at|size_in_bytes}
,--template <string>
- Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
Options inherited from parent commands
,--repo <[HOST/]OWNER/REPO>
- Select another repository using the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format
gh cache ls
JSON Fields
, id
, key
, lastAccessedAt
, ref
, sizeInBytes
, version
# List caches for current repository
$ gh cache list
# List caches for specific repository
$ gh cache list --repo cli/cli
# List caches sorted by least recently accessed
$ gh cache list --sort last_accessed_at --order asc
# List caches that have keys matching a prefix (or that match exactly)
$ gh cache list --key key-prefix
# List caches for a specific branch, replace <branch-name> with the actual branch name
$ gh cache list --ref refs/heads/<branch-name>
# List caches for a specific pull request, replace <pr-number> with the actual pull request number
$ gh cache list --ref refs/pull/<pr-number>/merge