gh environment

GH_TOKEN, GITHUB_TOKEN (in order of precedence): an authentication token for API requests. Setting this avoids being prompted to authenticate and takes precedence over previously stored credentials.

GH_ENTERPRISE_TOKEN, GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_TOKEN (in order of precedence): an authentication token for API requests to GitHub Enterprise. When setting this, also set GH_HOST.

GH_HOST: specify the GitHub hostname for commands that would otherwise assume the "" host when not in a context of an existing repository. When setting this, also set GH_ENTERPRISE_TOKEN.

GH_REPO: specify the GitHub repository in the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format for commands that otherwise operate on a local repository.

GH_EDITOR, GIT_EDITOR, VISUAL, EDITOR (in order of precedence): the editor tool to use for authoring text.

GH_BROWSER, BROWSER (in order of precedence): the web browser to use for opening links.

GH_DEBUG: set to a truthy value to enable verbose output on standard error. Set to api to additionally log details of HTTP traffic.

DEBUG (deprecated): set to 1, true, or yes to enable verbose output on standard error.

GH_PAGER, PAGER (in order of precedence): a terminal paging program to send standard output to, e.g. less.

GLAMOUR_STYLE: the style to use for rendering Markdown. See

NO_COLOR: set to any value to avoid printing ANSI escape sequences for color output.

CLICOLOR: set to 0 to disable printing ANSI colors in output.

CLICOLOR_FORCE: set to a value other than 0 to keep ANSI colors in output even when the output is piped.

GH_FORCE_TTY: set to any value to force terminal-style output even when the output is redirected. When the value is a number, it is interpreted as the number of columns available in the viewport. When the value is a percentage, it will be applied against the number of columns available in the current viewport.

GH_NO_UPDATE_NOTIFIER: set to any value to disable update notifications. By default, gh checks for new releases once every 24 hours and displays an upgrade notice on standard error if a newer version was found.

GH_CONFIG_DIR: the directory where gh will store configuration files. If not specified, the default value will be one of the following paths (in order of precedence):

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gh (if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set),
  • $AppData/GitHub CLI (on Windows if $AppData is set), or
  • $HOME/.config/gh.

GH_PROMPT_DISABLED: set to any value to disable interactive prompting in the terminal.

GH_PATH: set the path to the gh executable, useful for when gh can not properly determine its own path such as in the cygwin terminal.

See also