gh project field-create

Create a field in a project

gh project field-create [<number>] [flags]


--data-type <string>
DataType of the new field.: {TEXT|SINGLE_SELECT|DATE|NUMBER}
--format <string>
Output format: {json}
-q, --jq <expression>
Filter JSON output using a jq expression
--name <string>
Name of the new field
--owner <string>
Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
--single-select-options <strings>
Options for SINGLE_SELECT data type
-t, --template <string>
Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"


# Create a field in the current user's project "1"
$ gh project field-create 1 --owner "@me" --name "new field" --data-type "text"

# Create a field with three options to select from for owner monalisa
$ gh project field-create 1 --owner monalisa --name "new field" --data-type "SINGLE_SELECT" --single-select-options "one,two,three"

See also