Unlink a project from a repository or a team

gh project unlink [<number>] [flags]


--owner <string>
Login of the owner. Use "@me" for the current user.
-R, --repo <string>
The repository to be unlinked from this project
-T, --team <string>
The team to be unlinked from this project


# Unlink monalisa's project 1 from her repository "my_repo"
$ gh project unlink 1 --owner monalisa --repo my_repo

# Unlink monalisa's organization's project 1 from her team "my_team"
$ gh project unlink 1 --owner my_organization --team my_team

# Unlink monalisa's project 1 from the repository of current directory if neither --repo nor --team is specified
$ gh project unlink 1

See also