gh project item-edit
gh project item-edit [flags]
Edit either a draft issue or a project item. Both usages require the ID of the item to edit.
For non-draft issues, the ID of the project is also required, and only a single field value can be updated per invocation.
Remove project item field value using --clear
--body <string>
- Body of the draft issue item
- Remove field value
--date <string>
- Date value for the field (YYYY-MM-DD)
--field-id <string>
- ID of the field to update
--format <string>
- Output format: {json}
--id <string>
- ID of the item to edit
--iteration-id <string>
- ID of the iteration value to set on the field
,--jq <expression>
- Filter JSON output using a jq expression
--number <float> (default 0)
- Number value for the field
--project-id <string>
- ID of the project to which the field belongs to
--single-select-option-id <string>
- ID of the single select option value to set on the field
,--template <string>
- Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
--text <string>
- Text value for the field
--title <string>
- Title of the draft issue item
# Edit an item's text field value
$ gh project item-edit --id <item-id> --field-id <field-id> --project-id <project-id> --text "new text"
# Clear an item's field value
$ gh project item-edit --id <item-id> --field-id <field-id> --project-id <project-id> --clear