gh repo autolink create <keyPrefix> <urlTemplate> [flags]

Create a new autolink reference for a repository.

The keyPrefix argument specifies the prefix that will generate a link when it is appended by certain characters.

The urlTemplate argument specifies the target URL that will be generated when the keyPrefix is found, which must contain <num> variable for the reference number.

By default, autolinks are alphanumeric with --numeric flag used to create a numeric autolink.

The <num> variable behavior differs depending on whether the autolink is alphanumeric or numeric:

  • alphanumeric: matches A-Z (case insensitive), 0-9, and -
  • numeric: matches 0-9

If the template contains multiple instances of <num>, only the first will be replaced.


-n, --numeric
Mark autolink as numeric

Options inherited from parent commands

-R, --repo <[HOST/]OWNER/REPO>
Select another repository using the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format


gh repo autolink new


# Create an alphanumeric autolink to for the key prefix "TICKET-".
# Generates from "TICKET-123abc".
$ gh repo autolink create TICKET- "<num>"

# Create a numeric autolink to for the key prefix "STORY-".
# Generates from "STORY-123".
$ gh repo autolink create STORY- "<num>" --numeric

See also